Sunday, May 10, 2009

Should You Homeschool Your Kids?

The ability to home school your child has many positive aspects, probably one of the biggest being the ability to give each child very specific, individualized, one on one attention. Another plus for home schooling your own child is that the child doesn't have to deal with many of the negative peer pressure issues that are so often associated with the entire public school system.

In my own experience I feel I must also tell you that there are a few negative aspects that can go with home schooling as well, such as, the lack of social skills and the feelings of being on the outside looking in that many a home schooled child may develop.

In many ways though I do strongly feel that going to public or private school is best for most children, because most children need to feel a part of things, and going to regular public school gives most children the social skills needed to be a part of the real world. These kids get to experience their prom and other good things in life that they would not get to experience being home schooled.

In many ways I feel that both home school and private school has its negatives and positives but for the most part I do feel that public school is best. Here's why: home school doesn't help you learn as many social skills and other skills the way public or private school does - you can miss so many of these opportunities when you're home schooled.

But, you can also learn things in a different way than others and that can sometimes be a good thing, but in other ways you also miss out on certain things. Over all I think its just a personal choice that a parent has to make for their own child but they should make it with open eyes - not just for protective reasons.

The best idea is to make a choice that's best for your child's overall well being and education because choosing to home school your child just to keep them safe or to keep them from dealing with peer pressure can be detrimental in so many ways. Without meaning to you may actually be over protecting those kids from life, but this is just my opinion which comes from my own experience dealing with home schooled kids. Think about it for yourself, take your time and you too can decide whether or not home schooling is right for you - and for your kids

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