Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life Coaching - Respect or Invalidation What's The Difference?

One of the most important skills one can develop in the way we interact with the world is being aware of the fact when we're choosing either consciously or subconsciously of when we invalidate someone. We move through the world of social interactions by using language much like the way a dolphin moves gracefully through the ocean. Being mind full of the words we say, how we say and what is the intention of we are communication is one of skills that the more we develop it, the more the reality we wish upon us comes towards us. Take for example a simple language pattern of:

a) What's the mater with you?
b) What's troubling you?

The first is a prime example of unconscious invalidation, though some times it is executed intentionally. Lets look at the sub communication of that language structure. "What's the matter with you" inferred that the person is at fault, that they are not taking responsibility of their actions, it also sum communicates that there is something wrong per say with the other person. Even more importantly it says to the other person, I am perfect and you are imperfect. The second language pattern of "What's troubling you" sub communicates that there is nothing wrong with the person, that they are great where they our and it has been observed that something has brought them off balance. This puts the "trouble" on an outside perspective, that the issue might be something out of their control, and above all it demonstrates respect.

Lets also look at the fact that at times as human we tend to generalize and even more disastrous is imposing our own reality on to others. We all make our decisions based on what we know other wise we would make different choices. By telling some one they are wrong and we are right, that invalidates the other person's model of the world. Rather then approaching if from the perspective of looking to understand how they move in their world, the map is not the territory as Richard Bandler puts it. By keeping in mind the other person's reality we are demonstrating high levels of respect. Next time you find your self in a situation where someone is looking to impose their reality simple note that they don't know any better. Rather then arguing and invalidating their point of you say "Interesting, how is that true to you" you will be amazed at how powerful it is when we respect others.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Life Coaching Communities Of Practice Why It's Important

There are so many life coaching courses to choose from, they vary not just in price but the technology the delivery method, the engagement of the instructors they can start for as little as $500 up to $4,000 or more. I personally payed $4,000 for the life coaching course I enrolled in. While the price may be high at first the value provided is indeed priceless. One makes it back 10 times fold with the proper training. It was Bengamin Franklin that once said if you think education is expensive try ignorance.

One of the critical components of a life coaching course is its communities of practice. All skilled service professions are required to do a certain amount of practice hours, and a certain amount of supervised hours that are evaluated to insure competency of the core studies. They also provide a way to sample if you may the generalized version of the niche we are thinking about developing after graduation. Perhaps you are thinking of working in the business coaching niche, after the fact of experimenting and working in the community of practice you decided that it may not be your best fit. You then experiment with different communities until you find one that resonates best with you. This saves the student an incredible amount of stress and time because they will have a more clear idea of the niche they will be perusing. Is a well defined niche important? NO, it is absolutely critical to your business successes. The promising life coach must be full aware of their niche if they are to succeed in the business of coaching. It will become not just their area of expertise but it will be their marketing camping, their marketing strategy, and their own personal branding.

Communities of practice also provide a safe space to practice and develop new strategies that the student is learning with out the stress of having to get it right. It is a space where the participants are all linked together under the global belief that it is all part of the learning experience and that it is ok to make mistakes. It is accepted that mistakes is a space for every one to grow and learn more about the area they are specializing. When looking into a life coach training program insure that this critical component of the process is included. At the end it will make a significant impact as a coach upon graduation and heading out to the world of business.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is Holistic life coaching is good for you?

What is the meaning of "holistic"? The meaning is: mainstream. It comes from the origins of the Greek language. The elements of a system are connected and their structures are related to each other. Quantum physics, has found that we are entangled and connected with each part of the universe: to what was, to what is and to what will be. When applying this to human beings, it is called the "system", which is the body (physical), the mind (thoughts), and the soul (emotions). This system also entangles and affects each other. When one of these layers is disrupted, the others will suffer.

Human beings perceive all information by seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. When all the information is received, we concluded in our unconscious rules, which are called the Meta programs. The Meta programs help us to structure and rate further information we receive. A portion (small part) of these unconscious rules will reach the conscious mind and these conscious rules are the basis for the inner value system.

The inner value system we have the positive and negative inner beliefs. These inner beliefs gives us the abilities to develop more or less strongly, inner beliefs make us believe what we are good or not so good at. Our abilities are based on our behavior, which we apply in our environment in which we live. Jobs, family, friends, DNA and other social activities all contribute to Meta program.

Holistic life coaching considers all aspects of a problem. In the beginning, it would work on superficially on a pattern of behavior or on an emotion. The next step would go deeper and deeper into the inner beliefs, value system, and the Meta programs. They would then name and analyze them; the unconscious rules are taken from the unconscious to the conscious mind and are made aware. This allows the root cause to be found and then the work on it can start.

Discussing and analyzing it, we give our brain, the food it needs to logically understand the problem. What happens to our body and emotions? Many problems have a great impact on our physical symptoms and emotions.

All life experience, culture and environment are stored as information in the aura. The layers closest to the body or aura layers; are the physical, the emotional, and the mental layer. When we treat the aura and Charkas energetically, (Charkas: are the energy centers of the body that provide us with life energy), we change the information according to what has been analyzed as the root cause. With an energetic treatment is will remove blockages, recharges the charkas, cleanses the aura, and balances the energy flow. When this is accomplished it will take care of the emotional and physical layers. A problem can be solved on all layers with the Holistic life coaching. Positive change can happen!

You cannot change other people. The changes needed are all within our selves. The Holistic life coaching can uncover our true resources and give us hope to a future with more energy and a better life.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Genuine Thoughts and Wishes

New Genuine Thoughts and Wishes

Can you remember all those moments that your genuine thoughts and wishes actually has become a reality? Yes, I dare to say that it has happened to you very often, and maybe you have missed to learn or identify every occasion when it is appearing in your life. Have you been teaching yourself?

Now everything can be like this, you call for help with exercising your skill and cope with your upcoming progress. You need some assist to deal with all this hidden knowledge, and how you must use this knowledge. Your life is changing. Something new is in your path. You "wish you have the techniques." You want to use the technique to work as an auto-pilot as soon as you have been practicing for a while. You need to understand what is happening to you and how to understand the teaching you are getting from life.

Changed reality

Your world can become changed now. I know that. Maybe you are frightened when you stand in front of this moment of realization. This "Science of Getting Rich" is with you always, but you have to start slowly on your track that belongs only to you for life.

I know that you first have to understand the change that is coming to you and recognize what is happening. When you have decided to grow using your own "hidden wisdom," then your energy, your life, is pointing to the chosen direction. You have an urge to understand and interpret the attraction that you are creating. Your "new life" is with you as a reality and you understand everything.

The science of getting rich

The science of getting rich is within you and has to be revealed. I have seen it happening to me, when slowly succeeding, feeling good, it has had a massive effect to the "atmosphere" around me. I can foresee that your friends, your family and everyone around you really will help you grow and they will also recognize the change in you, as you use this formula, "the science of getting rich." You will then get rich inside and then without knowing it, you are expanding as a person.

Practice the law of attraction

I practice the law of attraction, teaching myself to recognize what I am attracting. Asking: "is this what I want?" Very often it is hard to understand and accept the life I attract and the life that is attracting me. Is it my energy? This is the question I ask myself. So, your need is the modification of what you attract and try to understand and check if what you attract, is right or wrong. Working on the subject of "feeling good" and you have to feel inside your body if you are feeling good. This "practices" are soon a way to live, it will be a part of you.

Everyone Around You I had to challenge the trust in the reality when making my thoughts and wishes create itself into my presence. So, in your opening up to the Universe of course your breakthroughs make it in the beginning difficult for people to follow and understand. Why? Well it is happening when everyone around you, are expressing their thinking as opposite to what your "new genuine thoughts and wishes" are. You know now that your "new genuine thoughts and wishes" are expressing your insights. Now you know that you attract, are the mirrors of what is happening right now. Bit by bit everyone around you are can be changing also, they see in you what they do not possess.

Short Conclusion Feeling good

In my conclusions, now, I cannot but say that I practice to understand more of "the Law of Attraction" in many moments in my life. I have been using it and not knowing that we have an expression for it, "The Law of Attraction" and how we can use it in many ways, such as in getting rich. But I am convinced that if you and I, only understand a little bit of how attraction helps us in our lives, then we will help many of our dear friends, families and others to grow and to enjoy life. If it is only one person you will be helping including yourself it is ok. You do not have to understand everything that is happening around you. Feel good, is what is needed, everything else is already taken care of.

There is Millions In True Potential waiting for you.

Best of Wishes

Anders Jacobsson

Your Say: 8 out of 10 numbers of people wants: "Increase Wealth / Financial Security".

"I need the confidence to achieve greatness; I would like to see me successful financially! Which means debt free, house paid for and money in savings." *

"I know that when I use the Law of Attraction I am opening up to the Universe for all that I need. Because of my financial situation, that is the most important at this time. I would very much like to find a soulmate also" *

*Comments are submitted anonymously to protect individual privacy

Bob Proctor says to us;

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"If you're struggling in your financial life, then this "FREE TELESEMINAR", will finally give you the proven, century-old formula to attract wealth, abundance and security"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Classes of the American Schooling System

"Do not you see that by your methods of teaching, framed by a Ministry for eight million scholars, who represent eight million different capacities, you only impose a system good for mediocrities, conceived by an average of mediocrities? Your school becomes a University of laziness, as your prison is a University of crime. Make the school free, abolish your University grades, appeal to the volunteers of teaching; begin that way, instead of making laws against laziness which only serve to increase it."

--Peter Kropotkin, "The Conquest of Bread," 1892, Chapter 12, Part IV

In the compulsory schooling system of America, there are three separate classes. At the very bottom, there is the most immediate and obvious of these castes; like finding the endless working classes in urban centers, you will find just as many herds of students at schools. Just above this class, there are the teachers. That there is a separation of interests, positions, and power between students and teachers should be the most clear to everyone.

But what lays beyond the teacher class is not always so apparent. It is the administration class -- those who regulate and control the teachers in whatever particular way they are legally required.

As students, we often did not distinguish between teacher and principal, between teaching aid and truant officer, between coach and superintendent. We found the teachers and the administrators to both treat children with a superiority complex -- like the Christian missionaries who went to indigenous people, just to bless the chains of a new slavery. They consider themselves a separate class, above and beyond others, close to the divinity of the ultimate creator, with their ear to the pulsing rhythm of truth and objectivity.

Whether a teacher or principal, they are never short to consider their superiority in every single act they take. In some cases, they merely cut all the students at the lunch lines, or forbid them to talk or communicate without raising their hand, holding a sea shell, or some other nonsense. But in other cases, the law allows teachers to beat their students with wooden paddles, and the police arrest and charge students for missing class.

Holding the face of a youth against dirty ground, with a knee in their back -- the kind of soul that would do this is the kind of person who can become an administrator in a state school; it is in the same spirit as the inquisition. Only those closest to god's absolute truth are to be entrusted with the right to enforce and impose, violently if necessary, upon helpless children.

As a child, you make no distinction between your school's administration and teachers. But they are separate interests. The teachers have spent their lives longing to be valued in their ability to teach and uplift. But instead, they force you through dreary and meaningless schoolwork; and you are not allowed any bit of liberty or time until you can provide grades proving that you memorized useless information.

All of this is required because of administration's demand. There may be only a few administrators in your school, but they have their own department in the US federal government. They have calculated exact and very specific methods for the rearing of children. And no single deviation is allowed.

Teachers are required, by their need of paychecks, to submit to administration's demands. The teacher, having no control over their own life, makes up for it -- by practicing control over the lives of their students. Their career was never the uplifting of students, it was always the fulfilling of administrative regulations. The teacher always considers this demand a burden.

Some students will always fail to be imposed upon -- they are far too much of an individual. When students fail, in their behavioral or academic expectations, the teachers consider it an attack. Educators even more rigidly impose regulations now. They are afraid they'll be suspected of not pushing them onto students well enough, which could cost them their job. Instead of looking at children as the potential for society, they are looked at as a threat to job security. This will dictate the decision-making in a teacher's lesson plans, classroom rules, and in the day-to-day judgments they must render.

From the most righteous administrator, to the lowliest teacher, each has participated in crushing individuality and in suffocating creativity. Each holds a responsibility in giving the next generation an emotional and intellectual lobotomy.