Friday, December 25, 2009

How Top Earners Build Communities

The Sheer Numbers Are Astounding

Anxiously moving forward to spread the word of my newfound opportunity to all past and present friends, family and associates, I disappointingly realized that few people were as interested in improving their health and lifestyle as much as I.

As time would have it, I am no longer struggling as an mlm distributor. For several years I took my business opportunity to the people that were on my contact list. First I mailed my prospects information about my business. Then with a follow up phone call I setup an appointment. When I was able to schedule a personal invite to give my sales presentations, my abilities awarded me with an effective twenty five percent closing ratio.

Then I found training that helped me develop presentations by giving telephone sales pitches, followed up with a fax sales letter, an email sales letter while leading them to my personal website. All this has given me some successes, but not the growth that I preferred.

As I tried to persuade people to join my business using only via email communications I hopelessly became aware that was not going to happen. Not once did I ever get any kind of a request from anyone who expressed a desire to become involved in my business. It took me a while to understand this. I discovered that in this industry you just don't promote your network marketing opportunity by internet email unless you have permission first.

Perhaps you'll understand this as you begin your marketing approach. I am here to tell you, you'll never receive a legitimate response to your offer. You'll never receive an email other than opt-outs. If you decide to spam you may even get a few threatening calls. That's if you have the courage to place your phone number with your email campaign. Absolutely no one appreciates being spammed, and it's a bad practice. Even though, I find it rampant throughout industry. Most spammers don't even have last names or addresses attached much less a phone number.

Besides it's not necessary or ethical to conduct business like this. Thank goodness the lessons learned by most successful internet entrepreneurs are now being taught. In this information age not much has changed in the network marketing industry. In order to persuade a prospect to join your business you must still possess some fair communication skills. I find it most enjoyable to call a prospect who expresses somewhat of a desire to what special knowledge we hold. The truth be told, anyone can learn to do this business using the Internet, provided they're using the concept called attraction marketing. This is how you get your business to explode. Learn to use this concept and you will see a change in how you view your mlm business.

Those whom have the desire to follow these teachings are winning the sponsorship game in the mlm industry. Of course, playing by the old school rule books, by creating personal customer relationships, well that will never go out of style. Yes, this type of networking produces a lot of lag time, but there's nothing more gratifying than having a one on one conversation with a prospect about your business. I found it to be very rewarding either making a sale or recruiting a complete stranger into your mlm business.

In today's technological world you have so many electronic tools at your disposal. All these vehicles make it nice to promote any business provided you understand how to properly apply them. And that's what I wish to convey here. You want to use as many of these media avenues for your growth potential. In order to build an exceptional fast community via the internet, you must develop the mindset of branding you. This is the lesson taught by attraction marketing.

In order to attract customers and build a large down-line, you must adhere to the principles of leadership development. Taking the responsibility to learn and applying the right strategies and concepts that all successful men and women use in their business endeavors can only lead you to a more personal and satisfactory contentment. Treat people with respect and dignity. Give more than what is asked of you and always be truthful. Be willing to give plenty of value as you serve with honor, perseverance, and appreciation. Above all whatever faith you aspire remember always we are all made in His Image and hatred holds no place in community building.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Way I See it, What Other Choice Do You Have, But to...

Either Stay with No Results or Pull Ahead for Better Times.

Take advantage of this online test drive for one dollar. See for yourself how powerful this mlm lead generation marketing system can be when applied to your home based network marketing business. Discover the true path to financial freedom.

When you're not doing well in your network marketing business, as I was for two years, it's time to erase everything you've been told. It's time you stop wasting hours, days, and months, possibly even years on useless warm marketing tactics that are only heartbreaking.

Make the choice to lift your spirits and commit to educating yourself on how to market online. Network marketing online to the masses is still in the infancy stage. Four thousand people every second log on to the internet, possibly searching for what you have to offer.

In order for you to take your business to the next level and have success you must make a presence online. It's not all that difficult and it's not about your mlm... it's about YOU. Establish yourself as a business owner and leader. Promote 'You Inc'.

So, what must you do to get started online? You want apply the principles of attraction marketing. You want to learn how to promote you and let your mlm opportunity take a back seat for later discussions.

Let your multilevel marketing company play a secondary roll while you're busy grasping all you can to understanding and promoting online and off-line marketing strategies. This is what ninety-five percent of network marketers are lacking.

When you do not know how to promote, advertise, market, sell, entice, persuade, or recruit how in the world are you ever going to make a go with your network marketing company?

You need a website or a blog. Of course you know the purpose for being online is to bring traffic to your site and have the prospect opt-in and become a customer.

And let me say, this type of traffic is cheaper than putting gas in your vehicle and driving across town to pitch your business opportunity to disinterested friends and family.

First of all, when you create a blog go to it's free unless you upgrade. Later on down the road you can do that.

Second, choosing to build a website can be created at many different hosting sites, and they require a url. What I suggest you do is to purchase a domain, preferably at because they have the complete package for you.

The domains start out somewhere around $I.95 for .net, .info, .biz, but .com cost from $9.95 to thousands of dollars. For you just starting out, choose to purchase a dot com domain you like best. People seem to remember dot com addresses a little easier.

When purchasing a domain you'll want to lock and secure the domain name plus consider the extra add-ons because in effect they protect your pertinent information. Armed with these recommendations you'll do fine.

In the past several years I've made quite a few mistakes building websites and generating traffic to bring in (leads) prospects. And, I want you to avoid making those mistakes. There's no need for you to spend a fortune to have a webmaster build you a site. Take what I'm about to give you as the honest truth. You'll save yourself so much grief.

Today I'm gaining good ground with this program called MLM Lead System Pro. I suggest you jump on board this lead generation training program and begin benefiting from what all these top earners are teaching.

It's completely setup for networker marketers who wish to build their opt-in list and learn how to market online.

With this systems training there's no way you can go wrong. This is the best offer I've seen in years for anyone who truly desires to make their mlm opportunity or any type of business for that matter something more of value.

There are various preset scripted templates with dynamite sales copy and numerous video's for you to use - you just apply the two step's previously mentioned, cut and paste a picture, upload a video or audio add a small text script to your upload and PRESTO...your done.

Now you have your very own unique capture page where you can drive traffic to build your names LIST. And, as I stated earlier, depending on your ability to persuade the perspective buyer, you could ask them to join your mlm business.

If not, no problem, if they decide to stay with the mlm company they're already in and continue to purchase the online affiliate programs that are available to further their education about marketing, you win.

Your job (joy, pleasure, fun, excitement, etc.) is to inform and teach everyone on your list how equally important it is that they duplicate the system of learning how to market online as well as offline. Without this knowledge you're certain to fail.

Where you'll receive this very valuable information which is worth its weight in gold, is in your back office of the MLM Lead System Pro. There you'll discover tips, tactics, strategies, reports, and much more all online with the audio/video training easy for you to download or just view on site.

Learn how to market 'You Inc.' using the eleven different marketing strategies that are right there at your finger tips. Other internet entrepreneurs are using these same techniques to achieve amazing success, why not you?

Take a two week test drive for $1.00 to see if this would be right for you. Attraction marketing is the best option for any network marketer who prefers to put their business on the fast track. Join now because this trial offer may very well be on a limited time basis. Don't waste another minute take advantage of the offer today while the system is still available.

From the results my down-line and I am getting with this systems online training course and the personally designed website capture pages assembled, I believe this package is worth much more than the price it's listed for.

With this system in effect the affiliate programs that are available on the front end pays for your advertising cost while you patiently wait for your perspective client to join you in your mlm business. This makes all the sense in the world.

For more information on how you can tremendously benefit from this funded proposal click onto the link below and learn how you can apply this attraction marketing concept to your business.

Let's get you started right now on the right path to freedom and wealth untold as it was meant to be from the very beginning when you enrolled in your mlm home based business. I'll see you on the success side.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brain Booster!

Life is not all about studies. Go get a life! For a moment, you may think are you reading some health and fitness article? Don't worry, continue reading you will know what I mean. Being healthy, exercising will make you feel fit and when you are healthy you will be able to achieve much more things in life.

Do you remember after your run the last time, you feel great, you feel fresh? Why do we have these feel good feelings? Studies have shown that when you do aerobic exercises, you are getting more fresh air, oxygen into your brain. Your diaphragms open up, you breathe deeper, and you are getting more oxygen supply into your blood stream. All these makes you feel good. It will also help suppress stress.

Don't all these encourage you to go out and exercise? You need not necessary must go jogging, you can go swimming, cycling, working out in the gym, playing basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, brisk walk etc. Go sweat it out, you will feel good and your body will appreciate you for doing that too. In fact, according to brain expert John Medina, exercising two to three times a week, improves the brain power for problem solving. Exercising not only keeps you fit, makes your mind sharp, gives you more energy, it also prevents obesity which could lead to many potential illnesses.

Examination period is so stressful, some may say where got time to exercise. Wrong! I make it a point to jog at least twice a week during exam period. It relieves my stress and makes me feel good after the jog. It also keeps my body in top form so that I know I'm ready to face the brutal exams. And you might realise during exams period, a lot of students seem to fall sick easily. Tremendous period of stress, not having sufficient rest plus body not in good form, that's why students fall sick easily. If you have a healthy body with good immune system, you will not fall sick easily. Falling sick during exam period is really bad, you won't feel good and you cannot perform at your best. So take good care of your health and mental well-being.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Motivation a Scam?

Many people would love to be motivated every single day of their life and that includes me! However, the reality is that sad to say motivation doesn't last. There are so many products, books, courses on motivation out there and people are hoping to find the cure all magical stuff that could help them improve their lives.

I was a victim too trying to find out whatever I could so that I could be motivated to study and pursue my goals. After reading hundreds of books, wasted hours and hours in seminars and courses, I dare to say if you think motivation is the cure or solution to study well, pass exams and get good grades then you have been conned!

So there's no such thing as motivation? You see motivation is a feeling deep inside us. We want to feel good so that we will like to study. But if motivation is something not within our control, aren't we putting ourselves at risk? Imagine half the year you are not motivated, does it mean we will fail in our exams? Personally, I will not leave it to chance.

For example, when I asked students why they want to study, they would tell me because they know study is good for them and they want a bright future or their parents tell them study is good for them. These are common reasons we hear from time to time. But let me tell you this, if these are your reasons, I bet you are having difficulty finding 'motivation' to study day in day out. Isn't that true?

So how? Is there a better way? Of course! I tried to dig deeper into motivation and I realised having solid good enough compelling reasons is the key to sustain and have 'motivation'. With reference to the above example, one should think deeper why he/she wants to study well and not just coming up with superficial answers. Honestly, no one really likes to study. Everyone could have different reasons if they start thinking deeper. For me, the reasons are as follows.

* I want to take good care of my parents when they are old.

* I want my parents to enjoy life.

* I want to study well, have a good career and earn lots of money.

* I want to get a big beautiful house by the beach side.

* I want to go on exotic vacations frequently.

* I want to be able to donate to charity and help the poor.

* I want to have plenty of options in my life.

* I want to retire young and not get caught up in the rat race.

* I want to be successful and not a failure in life.

* And so on...

I find that when I could visualize the above, I have clarity and my reasons for doing well in studies suddenly become so compelling! I no longer need to be so called motivated to study. Whenever I think of the above reasons, it will just push me towards my goals because I know so clearly what I wanted. So don't depend on motivation to achieve your goals. Instead come up with solid compelling reasons why you must do so.

So don't waste time, take actions NOW! Go take a piece of blank paper, write down all your goals and give as many compelling reasons as possible why you must achieve them. And do take note, it's not just applicable for studies, you can do so for your other goals too.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Photography Course

Photography can teach us quite a bit about leadership. Being extremely successful in photography requires passion, self-reflection, risk taking and respect among other traits. What makes a photographer successful will also make a leader successful. The best way to begin learning photography is simply to do it. As they say, practice makes perfect. Practice also causes you to think of new things to photograph, as well as questions and fun new photo ideas. In this Intro to Photography Assignments, you'll find several ideas to keep in mind when you head out with your camera. Doing one or more of the following photo assignments will get you going on your path toward becoming a master photographer. These assignments are designed to inspire you and help you improve as a photographer. Whether you get to that "master photographer" status, you'll find yourself having a lot of fun in the process.

It's craft and the more you practise it the better, it means a lot of work. It is a training of the eye, and no amount of technical training and information can make you 'see' things unless you have that inner ability. Equipment, training, are all secondary - some of the masters have worked with very simple equipment, though of course technology helps. But the basic prerequisite is an intelligent, curious and perceptive mind.

Photography is a wonderful choice when it comes to a career. Photography is a versatile path that allows you to specify within the degree, and move from different types of photography within your lifetime. From magazine covers to exotic locations to local newspapers, a career in photography will allow you to pick and choose exactly what you want to photograph. However, a career in photography doesn't happen with well wishes and have to work to get there! So where do you begin in your search for photography schools? Right here!

Whether you are working in film or digital media, principles like composition and perspective still differentiate a successful image from an unsuccessful one. Knowing how to foreground your subject matter and make it stand out is crucial part of professional photography. Particularly in photojournalism, concern for and understanding of the accuracy and the context of what you are representing is required by the field. Immersing yourself in these standards helps you to understand the demands of a professional career. So, are you still thinking about photography? If yes, forget everything and make aica education your next photography course platform and see results coming your way.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photography Training

If you have ever wanted to learn digital photography than you should know that if you are truly passionate in learning it, then you have got all the chances to reach success in digital photography. Nowadays there are many resources where you can provide yourself with the necessary information to set your basis in photography. Many people dream of becoming photographers to amaze the world with their beautiful pictures. But in order to become a good professional photographer you must get first a good photography education. From fascinating fashion shoots to dangerous war zones, photographers use traditional and digital cameras to capture images.

As a photographer, you'll need knowledge in working with photographic equipment including lighting, film development, digital and computer technology. Due to the highly technical nature of photography, a college-level photography education is strongly recommended. You must also have awareness of computers and photographic technology and a remarkable portfolio. Photography education will be very useful for your employment application as well. Photography education is your gateway to the knowledge, skills, and experience you need in order to make photography a career. The first step in becoming a good photographer should be made while you're still in high school. There are many things you can do to prepare for a photography education. You should certainly be taking pictures and experimenting with different cameras and photo software if possible and get involved with a school or community photography club.

Before you enroll in a photography course, you should check if the course covers all the important issues. Search for a photography course that provides all the important aspects of the art of photography. You should learn about principals of composition; it's very important how the photo is balanced, the proportions, how to capture a good harmony and so on. If the photography course provides more it's great, but these basis aspects must be provided.

Like any art, photography have basic guidelines but some very successful pieces deviate drastically from the "normal" rules. Photography can basically put a photographer in a director's chair. The photographer must creatively decide how to best convey the photography to others.

It is good to know that even if you take photography training it is not guaranteed that you will become a remarkable photographer. You will be a good or even great photographer after completing the course, but there is still a lot of hard work ahead. You must make your own style and experience a lot on your own. Only after that you will be on the road to success and could become a truly great artist.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Teaching Subtraction

I wanted to make subtraction easier to understand for our nine year old daughter. The commonly used method has too many conditionals (do something different based on this particular case) and so I devised a method of teaching subtraction that uses the same steps for each digit regardless of the values in this column or previous columns. Once your child has mastered the sequence of steps for deducing one digit of the answer he/she can perform subtraction of numbers of any length. I am not the first to think of this method for teaching subtraction (For someone else's explanation see link to "Arabic Numerals - subtraction" at the bottom of this page), but I for one haven't seen it taught to children in any school.

Start at the right column of the two numbers. If the rightmost digit in the minuend (top number) is greater than or equal to the rightmost digit in the subtrahend (number you are subtracting from the top number) then just write the difference in the rightmost digit of the difference (the answer). However, if the minuend digit is less than the subtrahend digit then first add ten to the minuend digit and add one to the subtrahend digit in the column just to the left of the column on which you're currently working. After adding the 10 and the 1, do the subtraction for this column and then move left to the next digit. That's it! Just keep on moving left, applying the same rule until the subtraction is finished.

The reason teaching subtraction using this method makes it easier for young kids to understand is that the commonly taught "borrow" method (borrow "1" from the digit to the left) becomes more complicated if the digit to the left is a "0". Young children don't do well with negative one, and the above described method does away with that problem.

Please visit the latest version of this article on our web-site which includes a diagram comparing the two methods: Teaching Subtraction.

... or visit our home page: Kidknows TM Outdoor Thermometer.

If you have a young child that is just starting to learn about numbers, the Kidknows TM Outdoor Thermometer for kids is now available on-line and at select Learning Express stores nationwide.

Arabic Numerals subtraction

Friday, November 20, 2009

Children's Math

I was discussing teaching our young daughter how to subtract large numbers and other children's math methods with my brother and he asked, "How does a microprocessor do it?" (We're both engineers; I'm an integrated circuit designer) My response? "They don't [subtract]. They take the two's complement [of the subtrahend] and then add." I thought this idea might help improve my children's math teaching skills.

Microprocessors work in base 2 (each digit of every number is either 0 or 1), but let's do a subtraction example in base 10 (each digit between 0 and 9 inclusive) the way a microprocessor would subtract if it was a human being. It's really easy, easier than the method we humans commonly use.


- 3904





In the figure above, we start by computing the nine's complement of the subtrahend (the number we're subtracting from the top number). The nine's complement of a number is just the number who's individual digits in each column add up to nine with the digits of the original number.

For this example, the nine's complement of 3904 is 996095. To do the "subtraction" you need to extend the nine's complement to be as wide as the minuend (the top number) so insert leading zeros to make 3904 into 003904 and then for each column write down the digit that with the subtrahend (003904) sums to 9 for that column (you write the digit: 9 minus subtrahendDigit). That's how we get 996095.

To get the answer add the minuend (top number), the nine's complement of the subtrahend and "1". There will always be an overflow (a 1 in the column farther left than the leftmost digit of the minuend); remove that 1 from the answer and you're done! Children's math can be child's play!

Please visit the latest version of this article on our web-site which includes graphics illustrating the example: Children's Math.

... or visit our home page: Kidknows TM Outdoor Thermometer.

If you have a young child that is just starting to learn about numbers, the Kidknows TM Outdoor Thermometer for kids is now available on-line and at select Learning Express stores nationwide.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

pc RUSH promo code is the better way to promote your business or service

pc RUSH promo code take the idea of the promotional items to a whole new level. Since the pc RUSH promo code is used on the give you away the best deals. If you're looking for a great way to promote your business, pc RUSH promo code can be the ideal tool to attract potential customers.

You can get pc RUSH promo code printed with any logo or design, and in a rainbow of colors. There are so many styles of pc RUSH promo code available - you can opt for promo that are long, square shaped, or more compact coupons. The one you choose depends on the style you want for your company logo. A lot of companies choose pc RUSH promo code to put their company logo in brighter colors to draw attention to their product or service. That way, you are providing an elegant design but still making sure that your company information stands out.

When choosing the pc RUSH promo code that is right for you, keep in mind that a brighter color or design will be noticed more quickly by the buyer. Bright red or blue writing on a black background, or a sunny yellow colored pc RUSH promo code will definitely get noticed. Just be careful not to go too over the top when choosing your pc RUSH promo code; If you have an interesting logo, quote or picture, use it, and your pc RUSH promo code will get noticed.

PC RUSH promo code is a cost effective trade show giveaway. You can get a high quality pc RUSH promo code starting at nominal rate. Look for pc RUSH promo code that come with an attractive carrying case and extras like a clear case for ID cards or are wind and storm proof for added practicality. You will receive your pc RUSH promo code in two to four days, unless you put a rush order on them, which may bring them to your door in just two days.

For additional information on pc RUSH promo code, promotional gifts, advertising marketing business gifts and corporate promotional products simply check out the internets leading promotional code suppliers where you will find a massive choice of promotional items and what's more available at highly competitive prices compared with traditional offline gift companies.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Memory & Reading Technique for Leaving Cert Students

In the months before sitting your leaving certificate, you are going to read a lot, but that is not going to be of much value if you do not remember it. Memory is the essential ingredient that will tie work, revision and note-taking together, ensuring that you perform to the best of your ability on the exam day.

If you find yourself agreeing with any of the below statements you should read the following article to improve your memory & concentration skills.

    I often have to revise a topic I covered from scratch
    Sometimes, something distracts me and next thing I know, the bell has gone and class is over
    I'll read a chapter of a book, close the book, and I can't tell you really what I just read

If you agree with any of this, then read on!

The RQRR method.

The RQRR method is a way of more actively engaging with texts and has been proven to be much more effective for information retention in young adults.

Review Spend two minutes skimming over what you will read. Pay special attention to headings, subheadings and diagrams. Get a feel for the articles structure.

Questions Based on your review what questions occurred to you? Look at your learning objectives and work out a list of questions you should be able to answer about the topic.

Read Now read the text as you normally would, highlight important information and take your time in complex places (provided these areas are necessary to help you answer your set questions - there is no point wasting time on unnecessary information). Re-read paragraphs if necessary as the goal here is understanding and being able to answer the questions you set earlier.

Review Without referring to the text, go over the main points of what you read. Briefly recount what you have just learned. This early review helps cement the information in your memory.

→ The result will be that you are significantly better at retaining and remembering what you have studied

The CRAM Method

Memory is simply the way that we store experience - when you can't remember something it means that your brain doesn't know where it stored the information - so to improve memory you have to improve the way information is stored. Try our CRAM method.

Cluster People's short term memory tend to hold an average of 7 pieces of information. Group information in clusters such that at any stage you have no more than 7 pieces of information. For example, in geography, divide a topic into 3-7 subtopics and then each of these subtopics into 3-7 sub-subtopics. A country might have physical, social and economic information. Each of these subtopics has a number of smaller topics, e.g. economic geography has exports, employment, etc.

Review Information has to be regularly reviewed - one month after you learn something you will have lost 80% of information is lost if not reviewed. So, review everything the following day and once per week, do a review of everything you have done.

Apply it The information will be better remembered if it is applied. Some ways to do this are having a discussion with friends about the topic, doing extra reading online, or trying to answer questions on the topic.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

pc RUSH promo code is the better way to promote your business or service.

pc RUSH promo code take the idea of the promotional items to a whole new level. Since the pc RUSH promo code is used on the give you away the best deals. If you're looking for a great way to promote your business, pc RUSH promo code can be the ideal tool to attract potential customers.

You can get pc RUSH promo code printed with any logo or design, and in a rainbow of colors. There are so many styles of pc RUSH promo code available - you can opt for promo that are long, square shaped, or more compact coupons. The one you choose depends on the style you want for your company logo. A lot of companies choose pc RUSH promo code to put their company logo in brighter colors to draw attention to their product or service. That way, you are providing an elegant design but still making sure that your company information stands out.

When choosing the pc RUSH promo code that is right for you, keep in mind that a brighter color or design will be noticed more quickly by the buyer. Bright red or blue writing on a black background, or a sunny yellow colored pc RUSH promo code will definitely get noticed. Just be careful not to go too over the top when choosing your pc RUSH promo code; If you have an interesting logo, quote or picture, use it, and your pc RUSH promo code will get noticed.

PC RUSH promo code is a cost effective trade show giveaway. You can get a high quality pc RUSH promo code starting at nominal rate. Look for pc RUSH promo code that come with an attractive carrying case and extras like a clear case for ID cards or are wind and storm proof for added practicality. You will receive your pc RUSH promo code in two to four days, unless you put a rush order on them, which may bring them to your door in just two days.

For additional information on pc RUSH promo code, promotional gifts, advertising marketing business gifts and corporate promotional products simply check out the internets leading promotional code suppliers where you will find a massive choice of promotional items and what's more available at highly competitive prices compared with traditional offline gift companies.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is Homeschooling For Us? Yes Or No

The single hardest decision facing homeschoolers is not what topics to discuss, or even which programs to use in your school. For homeschool moms and dads, the decision on whether or not you will home school your child is by far the most challenging obstacle you will have to face.

Home schooling is not just a classroom - it is a commitment. It is also a parents way of sharing what they know and what they believe with their own children. It also shows that the parents will commit their time and their efforts to teaching their children, even when it is inconvenient or difficult.

There will be ample time for activities, spending time with the kids, limitations of the topic areas which are of concern for the parents; but there will also be times when parents won't want to be around their children, will have to address topics which will be controversial, and ways to find socialization for their children. These topics and events need to be thought about long before a commitment to home school your child is ever made.

The decision and commitment to homeschool a child needs to be made between the parents long before a program of study is picked, if you have children that are already school age you also need to talk about this with your kids. You will have a major fight if you don't. This is one of the major decisions that, if possible, needs to have been made long before your children are old enough start school.

Changes in your childs school status can be made if later if necessary but overall it seems that it is always easier to introduce your kids to public school after being home schooled than it is to introduce them to home school after being in public school. Homeschooled students normally interact differently with their peers than do kids brought up in the public school system.

Lets think about this even more. During the process of deciding whether or not to homeschool your kids, probably the second largest obstacle you come across will be your family. This is a decision that involves everyone in your household and they will also need to be sold on the idea. This isn't the just kids who will be homeschooled we're talking about; it is also the grandparents, the siblings, other family members of the parents and there will also be the nay sayers - the people who have seen the parents fail in the past. These people can easily either be your greatest asset - or your greatest liability.

Research in making this decision is a definite necessity and nothing to be taken lightly. Check with your local school system, teachers in your area, families who have done homeschooling in the past and those that are doing it now. You'll need to know all the requirements to do homeschooling before going any further, and there are many. It isn't just as simple as suddenly deciding to keep the kids home today. There are many legalities to consider as well in making the decision to homeschool.

Talking with others who are homeschooling their own children will help make this decision easier in the long run, but it won't make it a breeze. This is a huge undertaking. Remember, home schooling is more than just a classroom - it is a commitment to your child and their education.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How is Materialism Destroying Society?

When tough economic times hit, there is always the question as to whether greed is the cause of our economic problems. However, this isn't necessarily the root of the problem. It is a bit more complex than that. Railing against the greed in capitalism doesn't take into consideration the other factors that are equally present. Greed can also be for power. Power comes with money, but it isn't always the money people are after. This is why big government is as dangerous as corporate monopolies. The people who have consolidated significant power tend to be corrupted by it. As human beings, we all tend to lean toward materialism in our actions, and find our personal significance and value in things we control and own.

There is a spiritual aspect to the problem of materialism. It is a worldview that fuels greed. Our society has been increasingly embracing the worldview of naturalism, of which materialism is a part. Naturalism holds that knowledge is limited to what we can see and that everything must be thought of in physical terms. Naturalism ignores the spiritual aspects of life, considering them more like superstitions. So we tend to move toward seeking our personal value in the things we possess and the things we control. To make matters worse, we also discount objective truth. The end result is there are no standard set of values we all hold common, and that means there is no foundation for society to build on.

So in America, we have come to equate financial wealth with a higher level of happiness. This is partly what is wrong with the caste system in India. The belief behind it is materialistic. This worldview is illustrated well in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. However, what we really need is a purpose for our life. But we can't find purpose in physical things. Since we have decided that objective truth can only be found in scientific conclusions, we have dismissed the existence of truth beyond what we can see, hear, feel, taste, or touch. Yet there is a non-physical reality where we find our sense of purpose and meaning in life. We are ignoring half of the knowledge we could be gaining by ignoring the knowledge from the non-physical realm. In Hosea 4:6 in the Old Testament, it tells us what happens when we lack knowledge. There are moral shortcomings that lead to a downfall. The ways of the people are characterized by self gratification and greed.

So the real solution to our economic and financial problems doesn't lie in putting our trust in an economic theory about what will restore our economy, but rather it lies in recognizing the thinking that has led us astray. As a nation we are turning away from the Bible as a source of moral authority, which was certainly in the minds of the founders of our country. It is found throughout the federal and state constitutions, as well as our Bill of Rights. It even says on our money "In God We Trust". It was this moral compass that has guided legislation in the early years of our country. But, as we have strayed from those original moral principles, we have caused the problems we have today. We have led our citizens to strange ideas about how the world works, and they have adopted them. We have let the marginalization of faith and the emphases on a materialistic worldview dominate, governed by a postmodern philosophy that denies any objective truth. It confuses our laws and destroys the core of what made this country strong.

Each individual can rise above this problem by returning to the Bible as a moral guide for their own lives and no matter what happens to us as a nation, they will find the strength through their faith in God to do what is good and right. They will find a sense of purpose that will give them the power to overcome adversity and will be the last ones standing in the end. These will be the people who were able to recognize their faith in God and the truth of the Bible heeding the wisdom of Proverbs 3:5 where it tells us to trust the Lord and not lean on our own understanding. We know what God teaches us in the Bible is reliable, and if we place our trust in that most reliable source, we've gone a long way to rising above the problems we have today.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How Quantum Physics Relates to Law of Attraction?

If thoughts can do this thing to the water, think what these thoughts can do with or to us. From film, what the bleep do we know!?

Quantum physics tells that there is nothing fixed, that there can be no boundaries, that everything that's present is vibrating energy. Law of attraction tells us that we can pull in our lives anything that we focus on with consistency and discipline. By learning that everything that's present is in the form of a potential energy and by using law of attraction for bringing in our lives anything that we have focused, it is not necessary for you to experience or feel that you are getting stuck with a life that you never wanted.

The developers of this universe are we. Newtons classical physics makes a very important perspective or point according to which this universe is made up of building blocks that are discrete, unchangeable, and solid. quantum physics take a slightly spiritual perspective according to which no separate parts are present, everything that is present is always changing and is fluid.

The physical world that we see today is a like a sea full of energy constantly moving out of and into existence. It's through our imagination that we convert this constantly changing energy into a physical reality. That is why, we are able to develop or create reality that is present in our imagination. quantum physics helps science to get rid of the perspective that human beings don't have any power. quantum physics is based on that human beings have complete powers and are developers of our world and of our lives.

According to Newton, we were like insignificant parts in this universal mechanism.

However, as per quantum physics, people are the developers of this Universe.

Everything that is present is energy. 1905 formula of Einstein E=mc2 displays the relationship that is present between matter and energy i.e. as per this formula matter and energy are interchangeable i.e. actually, everything that is present is energy fluid, dancing, these all are constantly changing forms of energy.

This energy that is present is influenced by the way of our imagination. It is moldable, shapeable, and formable. As developers, we mold, shape and form this energy present in the universe by way of our imagination. We convert the energy of from our imagination into the physical energy in the form of reality.

The possibility physics: do you remember the popular film, what the bleep do we know!? Clearly says that physics of possibility is quantum physics. We have been groomed to believe that world that is present outside is actually more real than internal world. Just the opposite of this is what quantum physics states. It states that what is happening inside us determines what is happening in the external world. quantum physics states that external world is the result of our thoughts and imagination.

As nothing is fixed in this universe and everything is considered to be in the state of probability, everything is possible over here. As we know that everything is not impossible to happen, and as we concentrate our imagination of what we desire to get, we can actually create whatever we want or desire to have.

My 12-year old next door neighbor loves to say that It could happen one day! He may not know about quantum physics or possibility physics, but he practices that with a great attitude of his. He keeps me reminding to not to overlook possibility. It reminds me that there is nothing that is impossible in this universe.

Imagination into reality:

Universe that exists today has infinite potential in endless abundance. As we gather our imagination, we have the right power to convert our dreams in reality and wants into existences. As we concentrate our thoughts, we generate enough power to do or to be whatever we desire.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Writing Style and Vocabulary of John Part IV

The Writing Style and Vocabulary of John

It has been said that in the Book of Revelation, John's use of the Greek language is strained; his grammar is poor and his mindset is Hebrew. As one author said, "...while he writes in Greek, he thinks in Hebrew." This is not at all like his gospel, which, although simple in style, is well written in Greek. What explains the difference? The difference can be explained by the fact that John wrote the Revelation in his early years shortly after he removed from Judah to Asia, at a time when his use of Greek was still rather rough. His gospel, however, was written sometime later, after some interaction with the Greek community. By then he had worked off the rough edges of his "foreign accent" and communicated with greater grammatical correctness. This would imply an early date for Revelation.

Another explanation can be suggested concerning the difference of style in John's gospel and the book of Revelation. That would be the possibility that John used a secretary to write the gospel, that is, he would have dictated it to one with better grammatical skills in Greek than his own. However, while on Patmos, he would not have had access to such help, and therefore wrote Greek with some difficulty. "Employing scribes in the writing of letters and documents was a common practice during the first century, for Paul and Peter even mention their amanuenses (secretary) by name: Paul refers to Tertius (Rom. 16:22) and Peter mentions Silas (1 Pet. 5:12). But as an exile, John was alone and had to rely on his own authorial ability and thus wrote Greek unaided by native speakers."

So, this point is subject to various explanations; perhaps John's gospel was written first. But if John's gospel was written first, how do we explain the lack of eschatological references in his gospel? The best explanation is that he had covered that material in his earlier Revelation and therefore saw no need to address it again. It is important to note that all of the other gospel writers do give considerable attention to eschatological issues in their books, only the gospel of John does not. "Of the fact, however, that John wrote the Apocalypse before he wrote his Gospel ... there can now, I think, be no reasonable ground of doubt."

Perhaps the real difference in style between John's Gospel and the Revelation lies in the nature of the writings, that is, when writing like a Hebrew prophet of old, John would naturally have used Hebrew prophetical style, whereas when writing a Gospel, a Greek historical literary style would be mandated. After all, a prophet must write like a prophet.

A comparison of the Apostle John's other writings with the Book of Revelation makes a powerful case for the Apostle's authorship of Revelation. Consider these points : 1) Jesus is called the "Logos" only in John 1:1, I John 1:1 and Revelation 19:13. 2) In the New Testament, Jesus is called "the Lamb" only in John 1:29, 36 and twenty-eight times in Revelation. 3) The "water of life" is promised only in John 7:37 and Revelation 22:17. 4) The "first resurrection" is spoken of only in John 5:24-29 and Revelation 20:5). Satan is "cast out" in John 12:31 and Revelation 9:9, 13. 5) Overcoming the world is addressed six times in I John and ten times in Revelation. 6) Quoting from Zechariah 12:10 (John 19:37), Revelation 1:7 speak of Jesus being "pierced" using the same Greek word, a word that is not used anywhere else in the New Testament or even in the Septuagint in the Zechariah 12:10 passage. 7) A particular form of the Greek word "true" (alethinos), is used eight times in John's Gospel, four times in I John and ten times in the Book of Revelation. However, it is only used five times in the rest of the New Testament. 8) The noun "witness" (marturia) is used fourteen times in the Gospel of John, seven times in John's epistles, and nine times in Revelation. It occurs only seven times in the rest of the New Testament. 9) The Greek word "overcome," "conquer" or "victory" (nikao) occurs twenty-eight times in the New Testament; all but four of them are found in John's Gospel, Epistles and the Revelation. 10) The Greek word for "face" or "countenance" (opsis) occurs three times in the New Testament, all of them in John's Gospel and the Revelation. 11) The verb "to tabernacle" (skenoo) occurs once in John's Gospel and four times in the Revelation.

This common use of vocabulary between John's Gospel and Epistles and the Revelation is a powerful argument for the Apostle John's authorship of this book.

As is pointed out in Back to the Future of the vocabulary similarities, please take note that both the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation are constructed around seven signs.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Testimony of the Early Church part III

In considering the external evidence on the date of the book, we must take note that many scholars believe that John wrote in the later part of the first century during the reign of Domitian, about A.D. 95-96, well after the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Although several of the Fathers make this assertion, all base their position on the comments of one person, Irenaeus bishop of Lyons in France. Irenaeus said this: "We therefore do not run the risk of pronouncing positively concerning the name of the Antichrist, for if it were necessary to have his name distinctly announced at the present time, it would doubtless have been announced by him who saw the Apocalypse; for it is not a great while ago that it [or he] was seen, but almost in our own generation, toward the end of Domitian's reign." While this statement appears rather straight forward, Terry points out that "...the critical reader will observe that the subject of the verb... was seen, is ambiguous, and may be understood either of John or the Apocalypse."

So, the question is this, who or what was seen? It may have been John that Irenaeus claims was seen, since the Apostle is reported to have lived to almost one hundred years of age. Actually, the logic of the sentence requires this interpretation. If the Revelation was "seen" at this late date, how would that have helped determine who the Antichrist was? In and of itself, possessing a copy of the Revelation does not answer that question. On the other hand, if John was "seen"-well certainly he could personally reveal who the Antichrist was! So, clearly, the seeing of John is really the only thing that makes sense. "The nearness of the vision cannot open the symbols of the book. It was the author John to whom it belonged to expound the meaning of the mystic name."

If, on the other hand, this passage is stating that John saw the Revelation at this time, then that is powerful testimony for a late date. Unfortunately, this quote will never be able to tell us more than it does, which is nothing certain, making this source of questionable force in the argument.

One other possibility exists as to whom Irenaeus was referring when he made reference to Domitian. It is a possibility that he was referring to "(Nero Claudius Caesar) [who] was originally named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus," instead of referring to Titus Flavius Domitianus, commonly known as Domitian. If Nero is here referenced, then there is no confusion in Irenaeus, just in his interpreters. But again the ambiguity cannot be cleared up.

In considering the testimony of the Fathers we should also take note of Jerome's statement that John was seen in A.D. 96 but was so weak and infirm that "he was with difficulty carried to the church, and could speak only a few words to the people." Could a man in this condition endure an exile on an island like Patmos? And while there would he have the energy and presence of mind to write such a taxing book as Revelation? It simply does not seem reasonable.

Another Father of the Church, Clement of Alexandria tells us that divine revelation ceased under Nero: "For the teaching of our Lord at His advent, beginning with Augustus and Tiberius, was completed in the middle of the times of Tiberius. And that of the apostles, embracing the ministry of Paul, ends with Nero." If the ministry of the apostles ends with Nero, then the Revelation would have to have been written before Nero died.

In a document called the Muratorian Canon, we have the oldest Latin list of New Testament books. "In it the author described John, whom he acknowledged as the author of the Apocalypse, as the predecessor of Paul in writing to seven churches. Since it is generally agreed that Paul was martyred in A.D. 67 or 68, Revelation would have to been written prior to the death of Paul." Obviously, Paul completed his seven epistles before he died. Since John was Paul's "predecessor" in writing to seven churches, John would have written Revelation before this date.

As you can see, the external evidence provides some considerable indication that John wrote Revelation before A.D. 70. But, let us now turn to the internal evidence. Consider these points:

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Testimony of the Book of Revelation Part 1

As pointed out in Back to the Future, the Book of Revelation clearly identifies the earthly instrument in writing Revelation, saying that Christ "sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John" (1:1). We say "earthly instrument" because "we must remember that the real Author of the book is not the apostle John but God Omniscient Himself."

But, what the Book of Revelation does not tell us is-which John? There were several in the New Testament world, and because there were several in the early church it would be incumbent upon the earthly author to tell us which one he is, that is, if he were any other than the apostle John. However, " say John was sufficient. Any other John would need a descriptive epithet, but there was one John who needed none." Which John would that be? "The external evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of this view, and Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, and Origen testify direct testimony that the Apocalypse is the writing of the apostle John."

As one author says of the Book of Revelation, "The nature of the book demands the essence of a man who compares in abilities to a fully inspired Peter or Paul. In fact, he must be able to stand beside an Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel or Zechariah, for the Apocalypse encompasses the fullness of these prophets and more. Only John, the apostle, measures up to the likeness of these notable ones."

Some scholars have questioned this conclusion, noting that John does not characteristically attach his name to his letters, and yet here he does. This objection seems less weighty, however, when the following points are considered. 1) In his epistles, John wrote personal letters to close friends who knew him well. The intimacy and personal nature of the letters did not require additional information on the author. 2) In his Gospel, he probably hand delivered his story to the Christian community in which he lived. Again, eliminating any question as to the authorship. 3) But for the Book of Revelation, he was not "home," and he was writing to seven churches, only one of which knew him well-Ephesus. He simply needed to tell them who was sending the letter. He did not, could not, hand-deliver this letter as he was on the Isle of Patmos at the time. Considering also the unique nature of his letter, it is quite possible that he would feel a need to inform his audience with certainty just who the writer was. Considering these points, John the Apostle is the only serious contender for authorship.

As for the date, the author Milton Terry succinctly describes the importance of grappling with the exact time of Revelation's writing saying, "The great importance of ascertaining the historical standpoint of an author is notably illustrated by the controversy over the date of the Apocalypse of John. If that prophetical book was written before the destruction of Jerusalem, a number of its particular allusions must most naturally be understood as referring to that city and its fall. If, however, it was written at the end of the reign of Domitian (about A.D. 96), as many have believed, another system of interpretation is necessary to explain the historical allusions.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Multiple Streams of Proceeds - The Seller's Goal

According to a fresh assessment, in excess of 80% of the populace is committing a dangerous lifestyle miscalculation. Some are banking their total complete lifestyle on a single revenue resource. If that single pay stream is interrupted, they will face a severe fiscal position. Throughout olden times, countless financial specialists have inscribed the prerequisite for economic diversity. They understood the consequences of only having a solitary basis of revenue and have produced many books and articles enlightening that danger. Regrettably, a large percentage of the populationstill doesn't absorb diversifying. They identify with the concept but are frightened to depart from the norm for dread of alienating their pals and family.

Scores of the evaluations citizens generate throughout their lives are predicated on their heritage. They have been trained to do what their chiefs (parents and grandparents) are doing and not to try fresh, risky adventures. This notion has its source in primitive mortals where survival of the being was needed the safety of the troupe. The larger the assembly, the better the possibility of surviving an attack from predators or other cliques.

The danger of this type of upbringing is that innovative concepts are deemed unbelievably risky, whether they are or not. Because the tribe determines what is acceptable and undesirable, brand new notions are promptly ridiculed and dismissed. It takes an unusual amount of power and fortitude to outlive the labors of the clique to exterminate an conception. Not that the perception is worthy or faulty, it's just altered and that is objectionable.

In the present situation, that formerly meant performing a post for 30 or 40 years and retiring. Folks who rotated jobs were called job-hoppers and usually experienced the wrath of the people. They were scoffed at for failing to reside in that one spot, resembling what their ancestors did. Whether they were able to improve their personal situation was extraneous. They were unusual and that was not good enough.

People who operated in direct sales seemed to be the persons that were detested the most. Because of the magnitude of valid scam performers, the salesperson was deemed a scam artist regardless of whether he was legitimate or not. These salespeople, because of their character, were also associates that understood the profit of having various products to promote. That way they continuously had items of appeal to all. This permitted them to generate a sale when other people that didn't have several goods would move away empty handed.

As sales and marketing evolved, these people taught their protégés the method they were selling and how to blend that thinking development into their lives. As this progressed from generation to generation, more and more persons began to understand the financial gains of having these various profits sources. At some spot, this course came to be called multiple streams of income.

Unfortunately, because this belief is poles apart from the time-honored, lone income source, many folks at present still don't appreciate. They don't understand that multiple income streams will allow fluctuations in the market to take place without crashing the whole income. The additional streams of revenue that exist, the better the possibility of having your lifestyle endure market conversions. You don't have to panic as something alters. You also have less financial hazard of being laid off or downsized as you are not only relying on one only one earnings source.

The great majority of today's marketers have been skilled to develop multiple income streams for the reasons listed above. In review, they will have a more enduring monetary picture. They by and large will build a larger gross income. They tend to have a degree of living that is greater than the associates close to them. Regularly they will be gamble takers, chasing the new opportunities that turn up on the marketplace to attempt to grab their piece of the pie earlier than it gets exposed to the genral public.

Today's salespersons are alive in the finest financial times. They have the prospect, and because of online marketing, the overall number of opportunities available is nearly mind boggling. Any salesperson that does not have at least three unique income streams is missing the boat. Only promoting a solo creation or benefit is glaringly inefficient and restrictions their complete income capability. As with the true direct salesman, the more items one can offer, the greater the opportunity of placing wealth in your pouch.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life Coaching - Respect or Invalidation What's The Difference?

One of the most important skills one can develop in the way we interact with the world is being aware of the fact when we're choosing either consciously or subconsciously of when we invalidate someone. We move through the world of social interactions by using language much like the way a dolphin moves gracefully through the ocean. Being mind full of the words we say, how we say and what is the intention of we are communication is one of skills that the more we develop it, the more the reality we wish upon us comes towards us. Take for example a simple language pattern of:

a) What's the mater with you?
b) What's troubling you?

The first is a prime example of unconscious invalidation, though some times it is executed intentionally. Lets look at the sub communication of that language structure. "What's the matter with you" inferred that the person is at fault, that they are not taking responsibility of their actions, it also sum communicates that there is something wrong per say with the other person. Even more importantly it says to the other person, I am perfect and you are imperfect. The second language pattern of "What's troubling you" sub communicates that there is nothing wrong with the person, that they are great where they our and it has been observed that something has brought them off balance. This puts the "trouble" on an outside perspective, that the issue might be something out of their control, and above all it demonstrates respect.

Lets also look at the fact that at times as human we tend to generalize and even more disastrous is imposing our own reality on to others. We all make our decisions based on what we know other wise we would make different choices. By telling some one they are wrong and we are right, that invalidates the other person's model of the world. Rather then approaching if from the perspective of looking to understand how they move in their world, the map is not the territory as Richard Bandler puts it. By keeping in mind the other person's reality we are demonstrating high levels of respect. Next time you find your self in a situation where someone is looking to impose their reality simple note that they don't know any better. Rather then arguing and invalidating their point of you say "Interesting, how is that true to you" you will be amazed at how powerful it is when we respect others.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Life Coaching Communities Of Practice Why It's Important

There are so many life coaching courses to choose from, they vary not just in price but the technology the delivery method, the engagement of the instructors they can start for as little as $500 up to $4,000 or more. I personally payed $4,000 for the life coaching course I enrolled in. While the price may be high at first the value provided is indeed priceless. One makes it back 10 times fold with the proper training. It was Bengamin Franklin that once said if you think education is expensive try ignorance.

One of the critical components of a life coaching course is its communities of practice. All skilled service professions are required to do a certain amount of practice hours, and a certain amount of supervised hours that are evaluated to insure competency of the core studies. They also provide a way to sample if you may the generalized version of the niche we are thinking about developing after graduation. Perhaps you are thinking of working in the business coaching niche, after the fact of experimenting and working in the community of practice you decided that it may not be your best fit. You then experiment with different communities until you find one that resonates best with you. This saves the student an incredible amount of stress and time because they will have a more clear idea of the niche they will be perusing. Is a well defined niche important? NO, it is absolutely critical to your business successes. The promising life coach must be full aware of their niche if they are to succeed in the business of coaching. It will become not just their area of expertise but it will be their marketing camping, their marketing strategy, and their own personal branding.

Communities of practice also provide a safe space to practice and develop new strategies that the student is learning with out the stress of having to get it right. It is a space where the participants are all linked together under the global belief that it is all part of the learning experience and that it is ok to make mistakes. It is accepted that mistakes is a space for every one to grow and learn more about the area they are specializing. When looking into a life coach training program insure that this critical component of the process is included. At the end it will make a significant impact as a coach upon graduation and heading out to the world of business.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is Holistic life coaching is good for you?

What is the meaning of "holistic"? The meaning is: mainstream. It comes from the origins of the Greek language. The elements of a system are connected and their structures are related to each other. Quantum physics, has found that we are entangled and connected with each part of the universe: to what was, to what is and to what will be. When applying this to human beings, it is called the "system", which is the body (physical), the mind (thoughts), and the soul (emotions). This system also entangles and affects each other. When one of these layers is disrupted, the others will suffer.

Human beings perceive all information by seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. When all the information is received, we concluded in our unconscious rules, which are called the Meta programs. The Meta programs help us to structure and rate further information we receive. A portion (small part) of these unconscious rules will reach the conscious mind and these conscious rules are the basis for the inner value system.

The inner value system we have the positive and negative inner beliefs. These inner beliefs gives us the abilities to develop more or less strongly, inner beliefs make us believe what we are good or not so good at. Our abilities are based on our behavior, which we apply in our environment in which we live. Jobs, family, friends, DNA and other social activities all contribute to Meta program.

Holistic life coaching considers all aspects of a problem. In the beginning, it would work on superficially on a pattern of behavior or on an emotion. The next step would go deeper and deeper into the inner beliefs, value system, and the Meta programs. They would then name and analyze them; the unconscious rules are taken from the unconscious to the conscious mind and are made aware. This allows the root cause to be found and then the work on it can start.

Discussing and analyzing it, we give our brain, the food it needs to logically understand the problem. What happens to our body and emotions? Many problems have a great impact on our physical symptoms and emotions.

All life experience, culture and environment are stored as information in the aura. The layers closest to the body or aura layers; are the physical, the emotional, and the mental layer. When we treat the aura and Charkas energetically, (Charkas: are the energy centers of the body that provide us with life energy), we change the information according to what has been analyzed as the root cause. With an energetic treatment is will remove blockages, recharges the charkas, cleanses the aura, and balances the energy flow. When this is accomplished it will take care of the emotional and physical layers. A problem can be solved on all layers with the Holistic life coaching. Positive change can happen!

You cannot change other people. The changes needed are all within our selves. The Holistic life coaching can uncover our true resources and give us hope to a future with more energy and a better life.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Genuine Thoughts and Wishes

New Genuine Thoughts and Wishes

Can you remember all those moments that your genuine thoughts and wishes actually has become a reality? Yes, I dare to say that it has happened to you very often, and maybe you have missed to learn or identify every occasion when it is appearing in your life. Have you been teaching yourself?

Now everything can be like this, you call for help with exercising your skill and cope with your upcoming progress. You need some assist to deal with all this hidden knowledge, and how you must use this knowledge. Your life is changing. Something new is in your path. You "wish you have the techniques." You want to use the technique to work as an auto-pilot as soon as you have been practicing for a while. You need to understand what is happening to you and how to understand the teaching you are getting from life.

Changed reality

Your world can become changed now. I know that. Maybe you are frightened when you stand in front of this moment of realization. This "Science of Getting Rich" is with you always, but you have to start slowly on your track that belongs only to you for life.

I know that you first have to understand the change that is coming to you and recognize what is happening. When you have decided to grow using your own "hidden wisdom," then your energy, your life, is pointing to the chosen direction. You have an urge to understand and interpret the attraction that you are creating. Your "new life" is with you as a reality and you understand everything.

The science of getting rich

The science of getting rich is within you and has to be revealed. I have seen it happening to me, when slowly succeeding, feeling good, it has had a massive effect to the "atmosphere" around me. I can foresee that your friends, your family and everyone around you really will help you grow and they will also recognize the change in you, as you use this formula, "the science of getting rich." You will then get rich inside and then without knowing it, you are expanding as a person.

Practice the law of attraction

I practice the law of attraction, teaching myself to recognize what I am attracting. Asking: "is this what I want?" Very often it is hard to understand and accept the life I attract and the life that is attracting me. Is it my energy? This is the question I ask myself. So, your need is the modification of what you attract and try to understand and check if what you attract, is right or wrong. Working on the subject of "feeling good" and you have to feel inside your body if you are feeling good. This "practices" are soon a way to live, it will be a part of you.

Everyone Around You I had to challenge the trust in the reality when making my thoughts and wishes create itself into my presence. So, in your opening up to the Universe of course your breakthroughs make it in the beginning difficult for people to follow and understand. Why? Well it is happening when everyone around you, are expressing their thinking as opposite to what your "new genuine thoughts and wishes" are. You know now that your "new genuine thoughts and wishes" are expressing your insights. Now you know that you attract, are the mirrors of what is happening right now. Bit by bit everyone around you are can be changing also, they see in you what they do not possess.

Short Conclusion Feeling good

In my conclusions, now, I cannot but say that I practice to understand more of "the Law of Attraction" in many moments in my life. I have been using it and not knowing that we have an expression for it, "The Law of Attraction" and how we can use it in many ways, such as in getting rich. But I am convinced that if you and I, only understand a little bit of how attraction helps us in our lives, then we will help many of our dear friends, families and others to grow and to enjoy life. If it is only one person you will be helping including yourself it is ok. You do not have to understand everything that is happening around you. Feel good, is what is needed, everything else is already taken care of.

There is Millions In True Potential waiting for you.

Best of Wishes

Anders Jacobsson

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Classes of the American Schooling System

"Do not you see that by your methods of teaching, framed by a Ministry for eight million scholars, who represent eight million different capacities, you only impose a system good for mediocrities, conceived by an average of mediocrities? Your school becomes a University of laziness, as your prison is a University of crime. Make the school free, abolish your University grades, appeal to the volunteers of teaching; begin that way, instead of making laws against laziness which only serve to increase it."

--Peter Kropotkin, "The Conquest of Bread," 1892, Chapter 12, Part IV

In the compulsory schooling system of America, there are three separate classes. At the very bottom, there is the most immediate and obvious of these castes; like finding the endless working classes in urban centers, you will find just as many herds of students at schools. Just above this class, there are the teachers. That there is a separation of interests, positions, and power between students and teachers should be the most clear to everyone.

But what lays beyond the teacher class is not always so apparent. It is the administration class -- those who regulate and control the teachers in whatever particular way they are legally required.

As students, we often did not distinguish between teacher and principal, between teaching aid and truant officer, between coach and superintendent. We found the teachers and the administrators to both treat children with a superiority complex -- like the Christian missionaries who went to indigenous people, just to bless the chains of a new slavery. They consider themselves a separate class, above and beyond others, close to the divinity of the ultimate creator, with their ear to the pulsing rhythm of truth and objectivity.

Whether a teacher or principal, they are never short to consider their superiority in every single act they take. In some cases, they merely cut all the students at the lunch lines, or forbid them to talk or communicate without raising their hand, holding a sea shell, or some other nonsense. But in other cases, the law allows teachers to beat their students with wooden paddles, and the police arrest and charge students for missing class.

Holding the face of a youth against dirty ground, with a knee in their back -- the kind of soul that would do this is the kind of person who can become an administrator in a state school; it is in the same spirit as the inquisition. Only those closest to god's absolute truth are to be entrusted with the right to enforce and impose, violently if necessary, upon helpless children.

As a child, you make no distinction between your school's administration and teachers. But they are separate interests. The teachers have spent their lives longing to be valued in their ability to teach and uplift. But instead, they force you through dreary and meaningless schoolwork; and you are not allowed any bit of liberty or time until you can provide grades proving that you memorized useless information.

All of this is required because of administration's demand. There may be only a few administrators in your school, but they have their own department in the US federal government. They have calculated exact and very specific methods for the rearing of children. And no single deviation is allowed.

Teachers are required, by their need of paychecks, to submit to administration's demands. The teacher, having no control over their own life, makes up for it -- by practicing control over the lives of their students. Their career was never the uplifting of students, it was always the fulfilling of administrative regulations. The teacher always considers this demand a burden.

Some students will always fail to be imposed upon -- they are far too much of an individual. When students fail, in their behavioral or academic expectations, the teachers consider it an attack. Educators even more rigidly impose regulations now. They are afraid they'll be suspected of not pushing them onto students well enough, which could cost them their job. Instead of looking at children as the potential for society, they are looked at as a threat to job security. This will dictate the decision-making in a teacher's lesson plans, classroom rules, and in the day-to-day judgments they must render.

From the most righteous administrator, to the lowliest teacher, each has participated in crushing individuality and in suffocating creativity. Each holds a responsibility in giving the next generation an emotional and intellectual lobotomy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Using Method Youth Devotions for Growing in God

There are so many ways for believers in the Christian faith to continue growing in God. Many of this generation's youth are investing time in reading daily devotions. Teenagers who are hungry for all that God has for them will seek out productive ways to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. Finding short easy to understand devotionals that can be received by way of email is becoming an ever increasing way for teens to remain anchored in their faith.

Popular Christian websites that provide these daily Bible lessons are displaying many positive testimonials that Christian youth group leaders, parents and teen participants are submitting.

As I was surfing the Internet to find valuable information pertaining to online Christian Bible lessons, I found several praise reports from devotional recipients.

Here are some testimonies we discovered:

"I want to say thanks for these devotions. Sometimes it's exactly what I'm going through. Like god is giving me a personal talk and message. Keep doing it!!!!! "

"My husband is a youth pastor in SC. I direct our Youth Dance & Drama Team & after our practices we have a time of devotion & prayer along with a prayer & devotion journal for the week to follow. I use these devotions a lot for that purpose as well. My husband has truly enjoyed them too. Keep up what you're doing because you ARE making an IMPACT on today's youth."

Ways that these devotions are distributed to teenagers.

One of the most popular and effective methods of distributing the daily devotionals is through email. Many Christian youth receive them directly from the websites that provide them on a daily basis.

Some parents and youth-leaders, which get the devotions by way of email, would rather screen them and then forward them to their children or youth group members.

Devotional eBooks, whether they are for sale or free, are a popular way for teenagers, parents and youth-leaders to continue growing strong in the Christian faith.

Some websites don't email the devotions, but rather they provide an online library filled with hundreds of lessons covering a broad range of biblical topics.

Teenagers using the Internet for growing in their Christian faith literally have hundreds of options available online. Youth devotions are a great way for teens to continue growing in biblical knowledge and getting to know God in greater ways.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Teached Method in Spanish

Why Would Children Learn Spanish?

The brain is a fertile and growing tissue. Children are growing at a fast pace and they need to be disciplined and taught every possible method and subject when they are young to help them develop. Teaching a language in an environment that makes a child receptive to a language helps with the learning process. Teaching children Spanish makes them see the world in a different way.

Teaching children Spanish in an environment suited for learning works well for children, because a good environment fosters a non stressful atmosphere. Stress will not help any learning situations whether young or old.

Teaching Spanish in a Correct Environment

Teachers can make the classroom look like another country and can decorate the room as such. Incorporate the teaching lessons with music is another way to solidify the experience. Being in a foreign exchange student program will make a student force themselves into conversations. Any previous classroom time and learning will become imprinted in their mind. The immersion in a language is what makes the imprinting possible, the more you speak the language and hear it the easier it is for children to learn.

Speaking Spanish at home is another way to enforce the language. The everyday exposure at home will reduce the classroom feel therefore become easier to use as a communication tool. There are many opportunities for courses in beginning spanish for kids. There are plenty of homeschooling programs that assist parents on teaching a subject and the Spanish language is no different. There are programs that expose and teach kids specifically and there are programs that target adults. Adults have the opportunity to learn by teaching the student and by taking an online course.

If teaching children Spanish is your desire then there are many outlets and opportunities that will help you in your venture.

bisnis dibulan puasa


Jika anda menemukan website kami ini berarti anda sedang BERUNTUNG!,Selamat sebentar lagi dengan mudah, cepat, legal dan halal, Anda akan menjadi Jutawan dan Milyader hanya dengan bisnis sederhana di internet..!!!

Anda Belum Mendapat Pekerjaan ??
Butuh Uang ??

Jika Anda Bisa Mengetik dan Mengakses Internet, Maka Anda Sudah Memiliki Syarat yang Cukup Untuk Menghasilkan Uang Jutaan Bahkan Puluhan Juta Dari Internet dengan mudah dan cepat dengan cara yang legal, halal dan terhormat ... Hanya Jika Anda Tahu Caranya!

Tidak Peduli Apapun Latar Belakang

Anda, Menghasilkan Uang Dari Internet Dapat Anda Wujudkan Hanya Dengan

Satu Langkah Mudah... Buktikan!

Dibawah Ini Merupakan Bukti Kecil Dari Hasil Menjalankan Bisnis

Di Internet Bersama Kami Hanya Dalam Beberapa Hari!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trance Music Production Course


This is a short section of the Bass video which will allow you to see my teaching style
before making your decision to buy the course.

Psychedelic Trance Music Production Course is now LIVE!

Please go to our shop to purchase the new course.

Course Contents:


1. Drums

2. Bass

3. Intro

4. SFX/Stabs

5. Vocals

6. Synths

7. Arrangement

· Arrangement 1

· Arrangement 2

· Arrangement 3

· Arrangement - Automation

8. Final Mix

9. Mastering

All of the above videos are supplied with both Low and High Resolution versions which can both be downloaded.

Where it is applicable there is also a P.D.F file with all the necessary information required to complete the video tutorial successfully.

The Low resolution videos are in rmvb format (RealAudio) and I have supplied Windows Media Classic in the first video .zip file (Drums) to allow you to watch them. Mac users will have to use RealAudio player I believe.


1. Acid Squelch (Virus TI)

2. Albino Squelch

3. Fast FX

4. High Bleep (Virus TI)

5. Leads Q and A

6. Wooshing Sound (Virus TI)

7. Clean Up Vocals

8. Kick Drum Creation

9. Kick Rolls

10. Snare Rolls

11. Reverse Kick

12. Reverse Reverb

The above videos are all in rmvb format, please follow instructions above.

Thank you to everyone for your patience – the new and improved server is now up and running!

All the best from the Cubase Guru team.