Friday, December 25, 2009

How Top Earners Build Communities

The Sheer Numbers Are Astounding

Anxiously moving forward to spread the word of my newfound opportunity to all past and present friends, family and associates, I disappointingly realized that few people were as interested in improving their health and lifestyle as much as I.

As time would have it, I am no longer struggling as an mlm distributor. For several years I took my business opportunity to the people that were on my contact list. First I mailed my prospects information about my business. Then with a follow up phone call I setup an appointment. When I was able to schedule a personal invite to give my sales presentations, my abilities awarded me with an effective twenty five percent closing ratio.

Then I found training that helped me develop presentations by giving telephone sales pitches, followed up with a fax sales letter, an email sales letter while leading them to my personal website. All this has given me some successes, but not the growth that I preferred.

As I tried to persuade people to join my business using only via email communications I hopelessly became aware that was not going to happen. Not once did I ever get any kind of a request from anyone who expressed a desire to become involved in my business. It took me a while to understand this. I discovered that in this industry you just don't promote your network marketing opportunity by internet email unless you have permission first.

Perhaps you'll understand this as you begin your marketing approach. I am here to tell you, you'll never receive a legitimate response to your offer. You'll never receive an email other than opt-outs. If you decide to spam you may even get a few threatening calls. That's if you have the courage to place your phone number with your email campaign. Absolutely no one appreciates being spammed, and it's a bad practice. Even though, I find it rampant throughout industry. Most spammers don't even have last names or addresses attached much less a phone number.

Besides it's not necessary or ethical to conduct business like this. Thank goodness the lessons learned by most successful internet entrepreneurs are now being taught. In this information age not much has changed in the network marketing industry. In order to persuade a prospect to join your business you must still possess some fair communication skills. I find it most enjoyable to call a prospect who expresses somewhat of a desire to what special knowledge we hold. The truth be told, anyone can learn to do this business using the Internet, provided they're using the concept called attraction marketing. This is how you get your business to explode. Learn to use this concept and you will see a change in how you view your mlm business.

Those whom have the desire to follow these teachings are winning the sponsorship game in the mlm industry. Of course, playing by the old school rule books, by creating personal customer relationships, well that will never go out of style. Yes, this type of networking produces a lot of lag time, but there's nothing more gratifying than having a one on one conversation with a prospect about your business. I found it to be very rewarding either making a sale or recruiting a complete stranger into your mlm business.

In today's technological world you have so many electronic tools at your disposal. All these vehicles make it nice to promote any business provided you understand how to properly apply them. And that's what I wish to convey here. You want to use as many of these media avenues for your growth potential. In order to build an exceptional fast community via the internet, you must develop the mindset of branding you. This is the lesson taught by attraction marketing.

In order to attract customers and build a large down-line, you must adhere to the principles of leadership development. Taking the responsibility to learn and applying the right strategies and concepts that all successful men and women use in their business endeavors can only lead you to a more personal and satisfactory contentment. Treat people with respect and dignity. Give more than what is asked of you and always be truthful. Be willing to give plenty of value as you serve with honor, perseverance, and appreciation. Above all whatever faith you aspire remember always we are all made in His Image and hatred holds no place in community building.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Way I See it, What Other Choice Do You Have, But to...

Either Stay with No Results or Pull Ahead for Better Times.

Take advantage of this online test drive for one dollar. See for yourself how powerful this mlm lead generation marketing system can be when applied to your home based network marketing business. Discover the true path to financial freedom.

When you're not doing well in your network marketing business, as I was for two years, it's time to erase everything you've been told. It's time you stop wasting hours, days, and months, possibly even years on useless warm marketing tactics that are only heartbreaking.

Make the choice to lift your spirits and commit to educating yourself on how to market online. Network marketing online to the masses is still in the infancy stage. Four thousand people every second log on to the internet, possibly searching for what you have to offer.

In order for you to take your business to the next level and have success you must make a presence online. It's not all that difficult and it's not about your mlm... it's about YOU. Establish yourself as a business owner and leader. Promote 'You Inc'.

So, what must you do to get started online? You want apply the principles of attraction marketing. You want to learn how to promote you and let your mlm opportunity take a back seat for later discussions.

Let your multilevel marketing company play a secondary roll while you're busy grasping all you can to understanding and promoting online and off-line marketing strategies. This is what ninety-five percent of network marketers are lacking.

When you do not know how to promote, advertise, market, sell, entice, persuade, or recruit how in the world are you ever going to make a go with your network marketing company?

You need a website or a blog. Of course you know the purpose for being online is to bring traffic to your site and have the prospect opt-in and become a customer.

And let me say, this type of traffic is cheaper than putting gas in your vehicle and driving across town to pitch your business opportunity to disinterested friends and family.

First of all, when you create a blog go to it's free unless you upgrade. Later on down the road you can do that.

Second, choosing to build a website can be created at many different hosting sites, and they require a url. What I suggest you do is to purchase a domain, preferably at because they have the complete package for you.

The domains start out somewhere around $I.95 for .net, .info, .biz, but .com cost from $9.95 to thousands of dollars. For you just starting out, choose to purchase a dot com domain you like best. People seem to remember dot com addresses a little easier.

When purchasing a domain you'll want to lock and secure the domain name plus consider the extra add-ons because in effect they protect your pertinent information. Armed with these recommendations you'll do fine.

In the past several years I've made quite a few mistakes building websites and generating traffic to bring in (leads) prospects. And, I want you to avoid making those mistakes. There's no need for you to spend a fortune to have a webmaster build you a site. Take what I'm about to give you as the honest truth. You'll save yourself so much grief.

Today I'm gaining good ground with this program called MLM Lead System Pro. I suggest you jump on board this lead generation training program and begin benefiting from what all these top earners are teaching.

It's completely setup for networker marketers who wish to build their opt-in list and learn how to market online.

With this systems training there's no way you can go wrong. This is the best offer I've seen in years for anyone who truly desires to make their mlm opportunity or any type of business for that matter something more of value.

There are various preset scripted templates with dynamite sales copy and numerous video's for you to use - you just apply the two step's previously mentioned, cut and paste a picture, upload a video or audio add a small text script to your upload and PRESTO...your done.

Now you have your very own unique capture page where you can drive traffic to build your names LIST. And, as I stated earlier, depending on your ability to persuade the perspective buyer, you could ask them to join your mlm business.

If not, no problem, if they decide to stay with the mlm company they're already in and continue to purchase the online affiliate programs that are available to further their education about marketing, you win.

Your job (joy, pleasure, fun, excitement, etc.) is to inform and teach everyone on your list how equally important it is that they duplicate the system of learning how to market online as well as offline. Without this knowledge you're certain to fail.

Where you'll receive this very valuable information which is worth its weight in gold, is in your back office of the MLM Lead System Pro. There you'll discover tips, tactics, strategies, reports, and much more all online with the audio/video training easy for you to download or just view on site.

Learn how to market 'You Inc.' using the eleven different marketing strategies that are right there at your finger tips. Other internet entrepreneurs are using these same techniques to achieve amazing success, why not you?

Take a two week test drive for $1.00 to see if this would be right for you. Attraction marketing is the best option for any network marketer who prefers to put their business on the fast track. Join now because this trial offer may very well be on a limited time basis. Don't waste another minute take advantage of the offer today while the system is still available.

From the results my down-line and I am getting with this systems online training course and the personally designed website capture pages assembled, I believe this package is worth much more than the price it's listed for.

With this system in effect the affiliate programs that are available on the front end pays for your advertising cost while you patiently wait for your perspective client to join you in your mlm business. This makes all the sense in the world.

For more information on how you can tremendously benefit from this funded proposal click onto the link below and learn how you can apply this attraction marketing concept to your business.

Let's get you started right now on the right path to freedom and wealth untold as it was meant to be from the very beginning when you enrolled in your mlm home based business. I'll see you on the success side.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brain Booster!

Life is not all about studies. Go get a life! For a moment, you may think are you reading some health and fitness article? Don't worry, continue reading you will know what I mean. Being healthy, exercising will make you feel fit and when you are healthy you will be able to achieve much more things in life.

Do you remember after your run the last time, you feel great, you feel fresh? Why do we have these feel good feelings? Studies have shown that when you do aerobic exercises, you are getting more fresh air, oxygen into your brain. Your diaphragms open up, you breathe deeper, and you are getting more oxygen supply into your blood stream. All these makes you feel good. It will also help suppress stress.

Don't all these encourage you to go out and exercise? You need not necessary must go jogging, you can go swimming, cycling, working out in the gym, playing basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, brisk walk etc. Go sweat it out, you will feel good and your body will appreciate you for doing that too. In fact, according to brain expert John Medina, exercising two to three times a week, improves the brain power for problem solving. Exercising not only keeps you fit, makes your mind sharp, gives you more energy, it also prevents obesity which could lead to many potential illnesses.

Examination period is so stressful, some may say where got time to exercise. Wrong! I make it a point to jog at least twice a week during exam period. It relieves my stress and makes me feel good after the jog. It also keeps my body in top form so that I know I'm ready to face the brutal exams. And you might realise during exams period, a lot of students seem to fall sick easily. Tremendous period of stress, not having sufficient rest plus body not in good form, that's why students fall sick easily. If you have a healthy body with good immune system, you will not fall sick easily. Falling sick during exam period is really bad, you won't feel good and you cannot perform at your best. So take good care of your health and mental well-being.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Motivation a Scam?

Many people would love to be motivated every single day of their life and that includes me! However, the reality is that sad to say motivation doesn't last. There are so many products, books, courses on motivation out there and people are hoping to find the cure all magical stuff that could help them improve their lives.

I was a victim too trying to find out whatever I could so that I could be motivated to study and pursue my goals. After reading hundreds of books, wasted hours and hours in seminars and courses, I dare to say if you think motivation is the cure or solution to study well, pass exams and get good grades then you have been conned!

So there's no such thing as motivation? You see motivation is a feeling deep inside us. We want to feel good so that we will like to study. But if motivation is something not within our control, aren't we putting ourselves at risk? Imagine half the year you are not motivated, does it mean we will fail in our exams? Personally, I will not leave it to chance.

For example, when I asked students why they want to study, they would tell me because they know study is good for them and they want a bright future or their parents tell them study is good for them. These are common reasons we hear from time to time. But let me tell you this, if these are your reasons, I bet you are having difficulty finding 'motivation' to study day in day out. Isn't that true?

So how? Is there a better way? Of course! I tried to dig deeper into motivation and I realised having solid good enough compelling reasons is the key to sustain and have 'motivation'. With reference to the above example, one should think deeper why he/she wants to study well and not just coming up with superficial answers. Honestly, no one really likes to study. Everyone could have different reasons if they start thinking deeper. For me, the reasons are as follows.

* I want to take good care of my parents when they are old.

* I want my parents to enjoy life.

* I want to study well, have a good career and earn lots of money.

* I want to get a big beautiful house by the beach side.

* I want to go on exotic vacations frequently.

* I want to be able to donate to charity and help the poor.

* I want to have plenty of options in my life.

* I want to retire young and not get caught up in the rat race.

* I want to be successful and not a failure in life.

* And so on...

I find that when I could visualize the above, I have clarity and my reasons for doing well in studies suddenly become so compelling! I no longer need to be so called motivated to study. Whenever I think of the above reasons, it will just push me towards my goals because I know so clearly what I wanted. So don't depend on motivation to achieve your goals. Instead come up with solid compelling reasons why you must do so.

So don't waste time, take actions NOW! Go take a piece of blank paper, write down all your goals and give as many compelling reasons as possible why you must achieve them. And do take note, it's not just applicable for studies, you can do so for your other goals too.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Photography Course

Photography can teach us quite a bit about leadership. Being extremely successful in photography requires passion, self-reflection, risk taking and respect among other traits. What makes a photographer successful will also make a leader successful. The best way to begin learning photography is simply to do it. As they say, practice makes perfect. Practice also causes you to think of new things to photograph, as well as questions and fun new photo ideas. In this Intro to Photography Assignments, you'll find several ideas to keep in mind when you head out with your camera. Doing one or more of the following photo assignments will get you going on your path toward becoming a master photographer. These assignments are designed to inspire you and help you improve as a photographer. Whether you get to that "master photographer" status, you'll find yourself having a lot of fun in the process.

It's craft and the more you practise it the better, it means a lot of work. It is a training of the eye, and no amount of technical training and information can make you 'see' things unless you have that inner ability. Equipment, training, are all secondary - some of the masters have worked with very simple equipment, though of course technology helps. But the basic prerequisite is an intelligent, curious and perceptive mind.

Photography is a wonderful choice when it comes to a career. Photography is a versatile path that allows you to specify within the degree, and move from different types of photography within your lifetime. From magazine covers to exotic locations to local newspapers, a career in photography will allow you to pick and choose exactly what you want to photograph. However, a career in photography doesn't happen with well wishes and have to work to get there! So where do you begin in your search for photography schools? Right here!

Whether you are working in film or digital media, principles like composition and perspective still differentiate a successful image from an unsuccessful one. Knowing how to foreground your subject matter and make it stand out is crucial part of professional photography. Particularly in photojournalism, concern for and understanding of the accuracy and the context of what you are representing is required by the field. Immersing yourself in these standards helps you to understand the demands of a professional career. So, are you still thinking about photography? If yes, forget everything and make aica education your next photography course platform and see results coming your way.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photography Training

If you have ever wanted to learn digital photography than you should know that if you are truly passionate in learning it, then you have got all the chances to reach success in digital photography. Nowadays there are many resources where you can provide yourself with the necessary information to set your basis in photography. Many people dream of becoming photographers to amaze the world with their beautiful pictures. But in order to become a good professional photographer you must get first a good photography education. From fascinating fashion shoots to dangerous war zones, photographers use traditional and digital cameras to capture images.

As a photographer, you'll need knowledge in working with photographic equipment including lighting, film development, digital and computer technology. Due to the highly technical nature of photography, a college-level photography education is strongly recommended. You must also have awareness of computers and photographic technology and a remarkable portfolio. Photography education will be very useful for your employment application as well. Photography education is your gateway to the knowledge, skills, and experience you need in order to make photography a career. The first step in becoming a good photographer should be made while you're still in high school. There are many things you can do to prepare for a photography education. You should certainly be taking pictures and experimenting with different cameras and photo software if possible and get involved with a school or community photography club.

Before you enroll in a photography course, you should check if the course covers all the important issues. Search for a photography course that provides all the important aspects of the art of photography. You should learn about principals of composition; it's very important how the photo is balanced, the proportions, how to capture a good harmony and so on. If the photography course provides more it's great, but these basis aspects must be provided.

Like any art, photography have basic guidelines but some very successful pieces deviate drastically from the "normal" rules. Photography can basically put a photographer in a director's chair. The photographer must creatively decide how to best convey the photography to others.

It is good to know that even if you take photography training it is not guaranteed that you will become a remarkable photographer. You will be a good or even great photographer after completing the course, but there is still a lot of hard work ahead. You must make your own style and experience a lot on your own. Only after that you will be on the road to success and could become a truly great artist.