Thursday, March 5, 2009

School Fundraising Opportunity

When a school fundraising opportunity comes knocking on your door, answer it.

With the decreasing amount of money given to the school districts every year, there is a necessity to take advantage of every opportunity that comes about. Opportunities are everywhere. They come about when you are searching for them or great ideas might simply show up in your email.

Whatever the school fundraising opportunity is, there is no doubt that it would be beneficial to the schools bottom line. There are many different ways that money can be donated to the school. Who would think that buying your favorite twelve pack of soft drinks at the grocery store would contribute to the school of your choice?

Well, this is true! This is done in a couple of different ways.

One is through scrip. One of the ways that scrip fundraising takes place is that the school buys "scrip" from the grocery chain at a discounted rate and then sells it to the parents at face value. The parents do not pay any more and they use it like cash at the store. Because of the way they went about their purchase, they have just helped the school raise a few dollars. Another way that money is donated to the school in a similar way is by the use of plastic. Yes, by simply swiping your credit card a percentage, generally 2-10%, of your purchase goes to the school of your choice.

One such retailer that incorporates this into their credit card is Target. They have donated a great deal of money to numerous schools throughout the nation. If you are not familiar with this program, simply apply for a "red card" at Target and during the application process you can designate which school you would like a percentage of your purchases to go to and then go shopping! One other way to come about a school fundraising opportunity is to simply read your email.

If you have ever looked into fundraising before and filled out forms requesting more information, chances are you were placed on an emailing list for that company. This is not a bad thing by any means. You will now be one of the first to see the latest in fundraising opportunities, such as being able to make 100% profit! The point is, keep your eyes peeled. You never know when or where you will have the opportunity to raise school funds.

Many different companies see the importance in giving back to the local schools and for this reason they are continuously thinking of innovative ways to do so.


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Fantastic. Get nursing homework help from essay help.Well, this is true! This is done in a couple of different ways.