Quantum physics tells that there is nothing fixed, that there can be no boundaries, that everything that's present is vibrating energy. Law of attraction tells us that we can pull in our lives anything that we focus on with consistency and discipline. By learning that everything that's present is in the form of a potential energy and by using law of attraction for bringing in our lives anything that we have focused, it is not necessary for you to experience or feel that you are getting stuck with a life that you never wanted.
The developers of this universe are we. Newtons classical physics makes a very important perspective or point according to which this universe is made up of building blocks that are discrete, unchangeable, and solid. quantum physics take a slightly spiritual perspective according to which no separate parts are present, everything that is present is always changing and is fluid.
The physical world that we see today is a like a sea full of energy constantly moving out of and into existence. It's through our imagination that we convert this constantly changing energy into a physical reality. That is why, we are able to develop or create reality that is present in our imagination. quantum physics helps science to get rid of the perspective that human beings don't have any power. quantum physics is based on that human beings have complete powers and are developers of our world and of our lives.
According to Newton, we were like insignificant parts in this universal mechanism.
However, as per quantum physics, people are the developers of this Universe.
Everything that is present is energy. 1905 formula of Einstein E=mc2 displays the relationship that is present between matter and energy i.e. as per this formula matter and energy are interchangeable i.e. actually, everything that is present is energy fluid, dancing, these all are constantly changing forms of energy.
This energy that is present is influenced by the way of our imagination. It is moldable, shapeable, and formable. As developers, we mold, shape and form this energy present in the universe by way of our imagination. We convert the energy of from our imagination into the physical energy in the form of reality.
The possibility physics: do you remember the popular film, what the bleep do we know!? Clearly says that physics of possibility is quantum physics. We have been groomed to believe that world that is present outside is actually more real than internal world. Just the opposite of this is what quantum physics states. It states that what is happening inside us determines what is happening in the external world. quantum physics states that external world is the result of our thoughts and imagination.
As nothing is fixed in this universe and everything is considered to be in the state of probability, everything is possible over here. As we know that everything is not impossible to happen, and as we concentrate our imagination of what we desire to get, we can actually create whatever we want or desire to have.
My 12-year old next door neighbor loves to say that It could happen one day! He may not know about quantum physics or possibility physics, but he practices that with a great attitude of his. He keeps me reminding to not to overlook possibility. It reminds me that there is nothing that is impossible in this universe.
Imagination into reality:
Universe that exists today has infinite potential in endless abundance. As we gather our imagination, we have the right power to convert our dreams in reality and wants into existences. As we concentrate our thoughts, we generate enough power to do or to be whatever we desire.