Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is Holistic life coaching is good for you?

What is the meaning of "holistic"? The meaning is: mainstream. It comes from the origins of the Greek language. The elements of a system are connected and their structures are related to each other. Quantum physics, has found that we are entangled and connected with each part of the universe: to what was, to what is and to what will be. When applying this to human beings, it is called the "system", which is the body (physical), the mind (thoughts), and the soul (emotions). This system also entangles and affects each other. When one of these layers is disrupted, the others will suffer.

Human beings perceive all information by seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. When all the information is received, we concluded in our unconscious rules, which are called the Meta programs. The Meta programs help us to structure and rate further information we receive. A portion (small part) of these unconscious rules will reach the conscious mind and these conscious rules are the basis for the inner value system.

The inner value system we have the positive and negative inner beliefs. These inner beliefs gives us the abilities to develop more or less strongly, inner beliefs make us believe what we are good or not so good at. Our abilities are based on our behavior, which we apply in our environment in which we live. Jobs, family, friends, DNA and other social activities all contribute to Meta program.

Holistic life coaching considers all aspects of a problem. In the beginning, it would work on superficially on a pattern of behavior or on an emotion. The next step would go deeper and deeper into the inner beliefs, value system, and the Meta programs. They would then name and analyze them; the unconscious rules are taken from the unconscious to the conscious mind and are made aware. This allows the root cause to be found and then the work on it can start.

Discussing and analyzing it, we give our brain, the food it needs to logically understand the problem. What happens to our body and emotions? Many problems have a great impact on our physical symptoms and emotions.

All life experience, culture and environment are stored as information in the aura. The layers closest to the body or aura layers; are the physical, the emotional, and the mental layer. When we treat the aura and Charkas energetically, (Charkas: are the energy centers of the body that provide us with life energy), we change the information according to what has been analyzed as the root cause. With an energetic treatment is will remove blockages, recharges the charkas, cleanses the aura, and balances the energy flow. When this is accomplished it will take care of the emotional and physical layers. A problem can be solved on all layers with the Holistic life coaching. Positive change can happen!

You cannot change other people. The changes needed are all within our selves. The Holistic life coaching can uncover our true resources and give us hope to a future with more energy and a better life.

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